Join the team…
All staff are fully trained and supported via our Workforce Development and Human Resources Managers who also ensure such training is appropriately refreshed. External trainers are also accessed for specific areas of expertise.

Current Vacancies
Bank Worker
Community Support Worker
Apply now
Our Mission Statement
Supporting you to settle into our services if you decide you want to use Eastway as a day service provider.
Supporting you to think about your life now and in the future so that you can achieve your proposed outcomes.
Supporting you individually and in small groups to access various community facilities and activities.
Supporting you to use either public transport or our accessible transport provision.

Stanton Gate, 49 Mawney Rd,
Romford RM7 7HL.
T: 01708 203534
E: [email protected]
4 Hanbury Dr, Bushwood,
London E11 1GA.
T: 0203 617 0511
E: [email protected]
West Beckton
2 Monarch Drive
London E16 3UB
T: 0203 005 6444
E: [email protected]