Eastway provides daytime opportunities for people with learning disabilities who may also have complex health needs and/or physical disabilities.
Assessment and Transition
You may contact us directly but usually your social worker will contact us to refer you to our services.
We will ask to come to your school, college or home to meet with you and the people who know you to discuss our services and your requirements.
If you are interested to know more, we will invite you to visit us and introduce you to other people in the organisation so that you can ask questions.
We will use an ‘About You’ form to help us decide if we can offer you support.
This process is called ‘Assessment’ and Eastway will not charge any money to do it.
If you do come to Eastway the first six weeks of your service is called ‘Transition’. During this time Eastway will work with you to help you to settle in and get to know everybody. Usually there will be a review at the end of your Transition so that you can decide if you want to continue to attend our services.
Eastway will charge for your Transition at the standard service rate.
Community Group Work
Eastway operates out of three bases in Leytonstone, Romford and West Beckton.
Our bases are equipped to provide you with support if you have physical disabilities.
We can support you in small groups, and sometimes on your own, to access community facilities locally, and sometimes further afield.
Eastway provides fully accessible transport, and our bases are close to bus stops and train stations for those who wish to use public transport.
Our services are open Monday to Friday for 48 weeks of the year. We are closed for two weeks in winter, one week in spring and summer, and on bank holidays.
We offer a variety of stimulating activities as part of a person’s service including groups such as art, drama and dance as well as domestic skills such as shopping and cookery, IT skills, sensory groups including hydrotherapy sessions, leisure activities such as rambling and bowling, healthy living activities such as gym sessions and swimming.
We provide specialised support around autism and organise regular day visits to places of interest. We have also supported people who wish to attend educational or employment opportunities via access support.
We support everybody in the development of their communication skills, including those who use sign, Tacpac or other aids.
We try to ensure that everybody who comes to Eastway experiences meaningful engagement out in the community as part of their service provision. For some people this will include support around travel training.
Personal Care
All employees are DBS checked at an advanced level and are fully trained to provide personal care support to those who require it.
All new employees undergo a 9-month induction period from their start date during which they are fully trained to meet the requirements laid out in their job description. Ongoing and refresher training is provided via internal and external trainers throughout the employment of our staff and management.

Stanton Gate, 49 Mawney Rd,
Romford RM7 7HL.
T: 01708 203534
E: [email protected]
4 Hanbury Dr, Bushwood,
London E11 1GA.
T: 0203 617 0511
E: [email protected]
West Beckton
2 Monarch Drive
London E16 3UB
T: 0203 005 6444
E: [email protected]